Computer science lesson plan
Class: 5 - Lesson: 7 Text document

Purpose:Learn about Open office text documents. Improve the File operation and editing operations.(Create folder, cut, copy, paste, move folder, restore)

No. of. Classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Material Required

Open office

Prior knowledge

Students should know the following before this exercise:

  • Type text
  • Font style and text appearance
  • Exercise


    How to create a new folder and rename an existing folder. How to use: Cut, Copy and Paste, and how to move, delete and restore files?

  • Use any picture and text - do the above exercise
  • Create a New folder
  • Rename the folder as “Asha”
  • Copy the folder
  • Paste in Document
  • Open any pictures file
  • Cut any image
  • Paste in the ‘Asha’ folder
  • Name the file as ‘Asha’
  • Move the ‘Asha’ file to the Desktop
  • Delete the Asha file
  • Finally restore the file
  • Solutions

  • Link to copy solution file.
  • Link to view solution video.

  • Teacher Instruction
    1. Even if it takes time, make the students type the text.
    2. The teacher should teach the students to select something before it can be cut.
    3. The teacher should explain the students about the clipboard. A copy action results in copying the copied contents to the clipboard and a ‘paste’ action pastes the copied content into other documents and programs.
    4. Allow advice the students to watch the Exercise lesson plan with the solution and solution video.mp4
    5. Use the words “Cut”, “Copy”, “Paste”, “Folder”, shortcut keys, etc,. When teaching they need to become familiar with these words.